SATISFACTION ASSURED: At ToolBox Widget, we strive for complete customer satisfaction. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, please inform us so we can address the issue. Your happiness as a customer is our priority. Purchase our magnetic screwdriver organizer with confidence.
COMES WITH MISSING TOOL INDICATOR: The Pro Series Screwdriver Organizer Kit includes an orange missing tool indicator, which makes the tool accountability fast and easy. It’s is the simplest way to see how many tools from the kit are missing or lost.
MAGNETIC SCREWDRIVER ORGANIZER: The Magnetic screwdriver tool holder securely organizes screwdrivers in a toolbox drawer. It is a simple and very effective way of organizing your screwdrivers in one place. One can easily add, remove, or re-arrange organizers anytime.
ONE KIT HOLDS 12 SCREWDRIVERS: Every single unit of the screwdriver organizer kit holds up to 12 screwdrivers, but you can connect and add more holders according to your needs. This product comes with 1 Kit including 8 optional spacers in each kit. You can also store ratchets, extensions, chisels, and tons in this organization tool.